Monday 30 July 2012

An update...

So since my last post things seem to have improved...

I have moved in to a flat that's only 20 minutes from work and I even went out (for a bit) on Friday night.

A colleague at work needed a room mate suddenly and temporarily so I took him up on his offer. But now I live with 2 boys. And they are MESSY! But it's been a nice change to have some company of an evening.

Sunday found me crying in euston as my boyfriend set off home. But at least we'd had a lovely weekend. We visited the London film museum and really enjoyed it. It's free, in Covent Garden and has a really cute cafe with the BEST brownies I have ever tasted!

Think I might have a go at posting an outfit this week so I can start a visual chart of my weight loss....

Friday 13 July 2012

The beginning.....

So here I am sat in my parents lounge at 8pm on a Friday night with absolutely nothing else to do.... for the rest of the weekend.

 I have a lovely boyfriend, a great family and a good job with great co-workers. But something is still missing. And I think its my friends, since moving across the country for work no less than 3 times in the last 12 months (Glasgow- Andover - London) I simply haven't seen my friends. There's been the occasional wedding or impromptu meet up because we're in the same city for work but we never have a spontaneous night out prompted by the "quick drink" after work. We never even seem to just grab a coffee. Unfortunately my closest friends all live in different cities these days. And I hate to repeat the cliche but London is lonely. And since I've also been living in a hotel for the past 19 months(!) I haven't even had a chance to travel up and stay with anybody!

So I've challenged myself to start a blog. But I have a few concerns.... Am I too old to blog? Too fat?
I am hoping that this blog will help motivate me to lose the weight I've put on in the last year and maybe by putting some of my feelings out here, I might start to feel a bit less lonely. Perhaps I can even regain some confidence and feel more motivated to make more of an effort to see my old friends.

So here we go...
